Sandra is a skilled and energetic educator passionate about innovation, educational technology and expanding the horizons of education. She is a Google Certified Innovator, Google Certified Trainer, Smart Exemplary Educator and a Digital Lead Learner for the Toronto District School Board. Her experience as a professional accountant, a cross-cultural educator, and a networker provides her with a unique perspective as a leader. She strives to prepare students and train educators to learn, teach, collaborate and create in a globally competitive society.
Since a "dollop" of anything is always something wonderful, this website serves to provide a taste of various "dollops" in education.
Dollop of Inspiration - Inspiring videos, people, articles and quotes Dollop of Creativity - Ideas that spark creativity in classrooms. Dollop of Technology - Fantastic tools, tech ideas and tips that will redefine teaching and learning in classrooms. Dollop of Resources - Presentation resources, Websites I follow and other great tidbits. Dollop of Fun - Interesting thoughts, recipes and randomness that just needs to be archived.